Significance of Manglik Dosha Pooja

Manglik dosha or Kuja dosha is formed when Mars is placed in the Ascendant, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the natal chart(lagna kundali). Apart from lagna kundali if the same placement of Mars occurs in Navamansa or from Chandra lagna or in all three of them the ill effect of it will be more severe. Manglik dosha analysis is of great significance or value in horoscope matching process before marriage. Even if the score of compatibility points is above average but if there is unsuitable match from the manglik point of view, the marriage is not recommended as serious difficulties will be encountered in marital life. Apart from these effects in marital life, manglik dosha may also hold up many crucial prospects of life.

Our Divine Astrologer Thethiyur V.Mahadevan advice with the help of our Vedic pandits to perform the appropriate Pooja/ Homam. It gives good positive result for affecting Manglik persons to do personally for their benefit.

Evil effects of Manglik dosha

  • Delay in marriage
  • Disturbances in marital life
  • Deprivation of good hormonal life
  • Divorce
  • Death of spouse

Couples suffering from strong Manglik Dosha face hurdles in following aspects apart from marriage:

  • disturbance in acquiring education
  • delay in career/profession
  • lack of strength, courage and the protective quality
  • lack of vitality and confidence
  • Difficulties in Child birth